
Rob Ford Has My Attention!!!

Finally, a Toronto Mayor who looks out for the Toronto taxpayer and who actually makes logical decisions.

Toronto's Super Mayor Rob Ford will look to end the sweetheart contract clause of "Jobs for life" for the 13,000 Toronto City workers, a move that's been a long time coming.

"Jobs for life" is a ridiculous concept which makes absolutely no sense, and is completely unaffordable especially in a time of recession. Torontonians are being taxed beyond recognition, and as much as the Union would like to try and manipulate Torontonians with the rhetoric around people going after other people's jobs & job security and that this is the rich targeting the elimination of the middle class (oh, give me a break!), the reality is that the Union simply priced themselves out of work. In terms of feeling sympathy for the Union, their past behaviour made that boat sail a long time ago.

read more at jackandcokewithalime

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