
TTC approves Ashbridges Bay facility

The Toronto Transit Commission says it will go ahead with plans to build a streetcar repair yard in the east end, in spite of pleas from a rookie city councillor to put the project on hold.

On Wednesday afternoon, the commission's board of directors approved a plan to begin the remediation of the site by removing contaminated soil.

It means that when Toronto's fleet of 200 new streetcars begin arriving in 2013, they'll be maintained and repaired at the facility, which will be built near Ashbridges Bay, at Leslie Street and Lake Shore Boulevard.

But people who live in the area complain there will be an increase in streetcar traffic and the noise will be unbearable.

Coun. Mary Margaret McMahon asked for a three-month deferral but was turned down by the board, which voted to go ahead with the project.

Read more at CBC News ...here

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