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What to consider when Planning an Attic Renovation Project??

Planning an attic renovation project requires the consideration of a number of key elements in the attic. These elements are discussed in detail below.

Ingress and Egress to the Attic In planning an attic renovation project it is important to consider how you are going to get access to the future living space. If a staircase or normal door height entranceway already exists, then you are all set, at least from an ingress/egress standpoint. However, if entering and exiting your attic is currently via a simple pull down attic stair case, then you will need to determine where a standard staircase can be added in the home.

Attic Renovations and HeadroomAttics that have highly steep roof pitches, e.g. a 12/12 pitch, are ideally suited for creating attic living space. However, even with steep roof pitches, there is less living space that can be carved out of the attic then most homeowners realize.

Attic Renovations and Existing Attic FramingAnother key element that needs to be evaluated when undertaking an attic renovation project is how the attic is framed. For example, what type of ceiling joists were used in the framing? Ceiling joists of the lower level are effectively the floor joists of your attic area. Frequently attic ceiling joists are inadequate for supporting the weight of a living space. Consequently larger sized lumber may need to be sistered, or married, to the existing ceiling/floor joists. If the existing ceiling joists are inadequate you will inevitably wind up with cracked lower level ceilings.

Attic framing also frequently has cross braces and collar ties running throughout them. You may need to meet with an architect or your local building inspector to see what you can do to replace these structural supports in a way to create a larger unobstructed living space

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