

When I was a teen I remember hearing that Riverdale was the new hotspot for gay couples looking to buy a home. The east was significantly cheaper than the west in the 1990's and early 2000's.  Now the gay migration has spread to Riverside and Leslieville as well.

When gay men move into an area, things change. So many neighbourhoods have been revitalized by gay inhabitants. Queen street west went from dodgy to upscale, Ossington went from non- existent to chic. But gay gentrification does not mean colonization. Gays have the ability to enhance a neighbourhood without overwhelming the natives.

A recent article in FAB Magazine titled: Rising in the east captures the gay scene's sentiment on the east:
Shawn Hitchins explores a new gay scene in the city’s east end.

City dwellers are leery of anything nice. It is a deeply rooted survival skill to mistrust anything remotely innocent, polite or kind. Walking through the neighbourhoods of Riverside and Leslieville, one can only grow suspicious of the unassuming storefronts and quaint houses. The area is “nice” and seems an unlikely place to find a hotbed of gay culture. Looks can be deceiving.

“Even my mom knew that Leslieville was a gay hotspot,” quips east-side resident Jordan Smith. “I think she read it in the Toronto Star.....read more at
FAB magazine

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