

I am raising this issue for all residents of Leslieville who read this web site and for all of us to share this information.  

We are fortunate enough to live in a pretty unique neighborhood.  It is gentrifying rather quickly and some pretty awesome business have come to establish themselves, all in the hopes of  changing what used to be a somewhat working class neighborhood , to a city class neighborhood.  And if we recall not so long ago, a large number of us, publicly supported NOT having big box stores come into our area for the fear that this would close down the smaller businesses that are trying to establish themselves.  

Well much to my disappointment, every time i speak to store owners etc., I keep hearing the same thing.  Business in some cases is a bit so so.....this is not good news because that means we are either not supporting them and choosing to drive out the burbs to support those ever so wonderful big box stores.....Having said that i know that some businesses are really doing quite well and that's great news.....good on them.

I think we need to make a greater concerted effort to shop locally.  Hell we keep talking about buying local products etc., well this same discourse should be applied to the kinds of businesses we support.  We have great flower shops, restaurants, clothing stores, ice cream parlours; butchers; bakeries etc.  Do you need to go that far to get other stuff.  And for those of you including myself who have complained about that more than awful Loblaws that serves this neighborhood, going more local might just send them a strong message.  
So spread the word, let's encourage these businesses to do even better.  
I think we owe it to them

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