

10 Little Things To Do Before Company Arrives

1. Place Extra Toilet Paper Where It Can Be Reached: Even if you have a small space, placing an extra roll on the floor next to the toilet is perfectly acceptable. No one wants to do the pants around the ankles dance around the bathroom to try to find it? Too much information, nah, you totally know what we mean!
2. Acquire Ice: If you have an ice machine this might entail dumping it into a separate container to make more or it could mean buying some, even if you need to use a cooler. A halfway warm drink is never fun, especially in a hot room full of people!
3. Adjust The Temperature: If you're planning on packing the house full and you've had your oven on all day, then open a window or turn down the heat. No one wants to sit in their own stew or likewise freeze because it's too cold. Have blankets on hand if you're place is always chilly or make sure the bar is fully stocked!
4. Dig In Your Sofa: Unless you're one of those folks who cleans between their sofa cushions everyday (we'd tell you we were... but that would just be a lie), there's bound to be something in there. Who knows how it got there... husband... kids... dog... it doesn't matter, but you don't want your guests to find that scrap of pizza or stray fork that didn't make it back to the kitchen before you do!
5. De-Personalize Your Bathroom: Although friends won't fault you for having shampoo in your shower, if you only have one bathroom in your space, making it a little less personal can be a good thing. It's easy to fill it with blow dryers and makeup, personal hygiene products and other items. Tuck away what you can, clean what sits out and if your toothbrush looks like it's been used on a Saber tooth tiger, don't hesitate to buy a new one!

read more at Apartment therapy...here

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